Console.WriteLine("Hello Moon! I'm Sara.");

My Portfolio

Screenshot of the 'Sara CV Builder' fullstack project using Blazor

FullStack CV Builder

Tech stack: C#, Blazor, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Personal Website/Portfolio

Theme: Interactive CV Builder with Admin Page

Fullstack application realised as my third
assignment of the 'Web Development' course
it features a .NET API, SQL Server,
Fronted created in Blazor
all hosted in Azure. Mobile First.

Screenshot of the 'Nintendo API' project .NET and Express APIs

.NET & Express APIs

Tech stack: C#, JavaScript, MongoDB, NodeJs, Azure

Theme: Express API and .NET API created
for my second assignment
as part of the Web Development course

Nintendo Games Library
a locally run Express API (with a basic UI and documentation)
sends GET and POST request to a
.NET API connected with a MongoDB and hosted in Azure

Screenshot of the 'Running Data with Py' data analysis and visualization project with Python

Running Data with PY

Tech stack: Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Streamlit,
Matplotlib, MongoDB, Fpdf

Theme: Data extraction, manipulation, and visualization with Python

Personal project: Data analysis and visualization
of my 2024 running data using Streamlit,
extracted from Strava

Screenshot of this website presented as a project to dispaly

This Very Website

Tech stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ThreeJs, NodeJs

Personal Website/Portfolio

Theme: Personal website/portfolio
experimenting with different new techologies (ThreeJs)
and skills learned in school to create my personal
website to help in the search for LIA placements

Contact forms integrated with own API
to send emails directly to my personal inbox

Screenshot of the 'Your Catsitter in Majorna' project website

Your Catsitter in Majorna

Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Theme: A fictional local company requested
the creation of their website

Website created for my first assignment
as part of the Web Development course

Screenshot of the 'Bookyng system for a gym' project console application

Booking System for a Gym

Tech stack: C#, WPF, LINQ

Theme: Console application created
for my second assignment
as part of the C# Programming course

Booking system for a gym
with LogIn, list of workouts available,
possibility of booking/cancelling workouts

Want to see more? Check out my GitHub!